“Rules of Civility”
George Washington's
In the late nineteenth century, a school notebook entitled "Forms of Writing" was discovered at Mount Vernon, Virginia, George Washington's plantation home on the Potomac River. The notebook apparently dates from about 1745, when George was fourteen years old and attending school in Fredericksburg, Virginia. Inside, in George's own handwriting, we find the foundation of a solid character education for an eighteenth-century youth: some 110 "Rules of Civility in Conversation Amongst Men." Historical research has shown that young George probably copied them from a 1664 English translation of an even older French work. Most of the rules are still delightfully applicable as a modern code of personal conduct. On the assumption that what was good enough for the first president of the United States is good enough for the rest of us, here are fifty-four of George Washington's "Rules of Civility."
1. Every action in company ought to be with some sign of respect to those present.
2. In the presence of others sing not to yourself with a humming voice, nor drum with your fingers or feet.
3. Speak not when others speak, sit not when others stand, and walk not when others stop.
4. Turn not your back to others, especially in speaking; jog not the table or desk on which another reads or writes; lean not on anyone.
5. Be no flatterer, neither play with anyone that delights not to be played with.
6. Read no letters, books, or papers in company; but when there is a necessity for doing it, you must ask leave. Come not near the books or writings of anyone so as to read them unasked; also look not nigh when another is writing a letter.
7. Let your countenance be pleasant, but in serious matters somewhat grave.
8. Show not yourself glad at the misfortune of another, though he were your enemy.
9. They that are in dignity or office have in all places precedency, but whilst they are young, they ought to respect those that are their equals in birth or other qualities, though they have no public charge.
10. It is good manners to prefer them to whom we speak before ourselves, especially if they be above us, with whom in no sort we ought to begin.
11. Let your discourse with men of business be short and comprehensive.
12. In visiting the sick do not presently play the physician if you be not knowing therein.
13. In writing or speaking give to every person his due title according to his degree and the custom of the place.
14. Strive not with your superiors in argument, but always submit your judgment to others with modesty.
15. Undertake not to teach your equal in the art he himself professes; it savors of arrogancy.
16. When a man does all he can, though it succeeds not well, blame not him that did it.
17. Being to advise or reprehend anyone, consider whether it ought to be in public or in private, presently or at some other time, also in what terms to do it; and in reproving show no signs of choler, but do it with sweetness and mildness.
18. Mock not nor jest at anything of importance; break no jests that are sharp or biting; and if you deliver anything witty or pleasant, abstain from laughing thereat yourself.
19. Wherein you reprove another be unblamable yourself, for example is more prevalent than precept.
20. Use no reproachful language against anyone, neither curses nor revilings.
21. Be not hasty to believe flying reports to the disparagement of anyone.
22. In your apparel be modest, and endeavor to accommodate nature rather than procure admiration. Keep to the fashion of your equals, such as are civil and orderly with respect to time and place.
23. Play not the peacock, looking everywhere about you to see if you be well decked, if your shoes fit well, if your stockings set neatly and clothes handsomely.
24. Associate yourself with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation, for it is better to be alone than in bad company.
25. Let your conversation be without malice or envy, for it is a sign of tractable and commendable nature; and in all causes of passion admit reason to govern.
26. Be not immodest in urging your friend to discover a secret.
27. Utter not base and frivolous things amongst grown and learned men, nor very difficult questions or subjects amongst the ignorant, nor things hard to be believed.
28. Speak not of doleful things in time of mirth nor at the table; speak not of melancholy things, as death and wounds; and if others mention them, change, if you can, the discourse. Tell not your dreams but to your intimate friends.
29. Break not a jest when none take pleasure in mirth. Laugh not aloud, nor at all without occasion. Deride no man's misfortunes, though there seem to be some cause.
30. Speak not injurious words, neither in jest or earnest. Scoff at none, although they give occasion.
31. Be not forward, but friendly and courteous, the first to salute, hear and answer, and be not pensive when it is time to converse.
32. Detract not from others, but neither be excessive in commending.
33. Go not thither where you know not whether you shall be welcome or not. Give not advice without being asked; and when desired, do it briefly.
34. If two contend together, take not the part of either unconstrained, and be not obstinate in your opinion; in things indifferent be of the major side.
35. Reprehend not the imperfection of others, for that belongs to parents, masters, and superiors.
36. Gaze not on the marks or blemishes of others, and ask not how they came. What you may speak in secret to your friend deliver not before others.
37. Speak not in an unknown tongue in company, but in your own language; and that as those of quality do, and not as the vulgar. Sublime matters treat seriously.
38. Think before you speak; pronounce not imperfectly, nor bring out your words too hastily, but orderly and distinctly.
39. When another speaks, be attentive yourself, and disturb not the audience. If any hesitate in his words, help him not, nor prompt him without being desired; interrupt him not, nor answer him till his speech be ended.
40. Treat with men at fit times about business, and whisper not in the company of others.
41. Make no comparisons; and if any of the company be commended for any brave act of virtue, commend not another for the same.
42. Be not apt to relate news if you know not the truth thereof. In discoursing of things you have heard, name not your author always. A secret discover not.
43. Be not curious to know the affairs of others, neither approach to those that speak in private.
44. Undertake not what you cannot perform; but be careful to keep your promise.
45. When you deliver a matter, do it without passion and indiscretion, however mean the person may be you do it to.
46. When your superiors talk to anybody, hear them; neither speak or laugh.
47. In disputes be not so desirous to overcome as not to give liberty to each one to deliver his opinion, and submit to the judgment of the major part, especially if they are judges of the dispute.
48. Be not tedious in discourse, make not many digressions, nor repeat often the same matter of discourse.
49. Speak no evil of the absent, for it is unjust.
50. Be not angry at table, whatever happens; and if you have reason to be so show it not; put on a cheerful countenance, especially if there be strangers, for good humor makes one dish a feast.
51. Set not yourself at the upper end of the table; but if it be your due, or the master of the house will have it so, contend not, lest you should trouble the company.
52. When you speak of God or his attributes, let it be seriously, in reverence and honor, and obey your natural parents.
53. Let your recreations be manful, not sinful.
54. Labor to keep alive in your breast that little spark of celestial fire called conscience.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Study Theology?
Five Reasons You Need to Study Theology
by Nathan W. Bingham on February 25, 2009 · 1 comment · 182 views
Words such as theology and doctrine come with negative connotations for many Christians. This is a great tragedy, as I firmly believe every Christian needs to study theology to some degree in their Christian walk. Along with Andrew’s series on the importance of Biblical doctrine, there are many reasons why Christian’s need to study theology. In no particular order here are five reasons you need to study theology, and hopefully some of these you won’t have considered before.
You’re a theologian already…
Why do you need to study theology? Because theology isn’t something only a Professor of Theology has–we all believe something about God and therefore are theologians in our own right. However, what needs to be asked is whether what you believe is correct, and the study of theology can help answer that question.
Your love for Jesus is intrinsically linked with your knowledge of His Word…
Why do you need to study theology? Because Jesus said, “If you love me, you will obey what I command.” (John 14:15) I heard someone remark that a certain Christian may not have been that great theologically, but that was okay because they really loved Jesus. However, Jesus says that if we love Him, we will obey what He commands. How can we obey Him if we don’t go to His Word to rightly know His commands?
Your doctrine will determine how you live…
Why do you need to study theology? Because what you believe (your doctrine) will determine how you live (your practice). This can be seen in everyday life. If you believe something to be poisonous, you simply won’t drink it. Similarly, your beliefs about God and His Word determine how you live day to day. For example if you believe God only speaks through His Word then you will study it diligently, however if you believe God speaks through impressions and the like, then you’ll listen for that still small voice. The aforementioned example drastically changes how a person goes about determining God’s will for their lives, and illustrates why you need to study theology.
Your affections will determine what you study…
Why do you need to study theology? Because what your affections are placed upon will determine what you spend your time studying. If your hobby is photography you will want to study the subject to know how to improve your photographs and to increase your love and appreciation for that pass-time. Likewise, if you’re a Christian and your primary affection is upon God, why would you not want to study His Word to increase your love and appreciation for Him and His gospel?
Your humility depends on it…
Why do you need to study theology? Because without studying theology it is possible that you will think too highly of yourself, and not high enough of God. It is true that knowledge puffs up (1 Corinthians 8:1), however the Scriptures rightly understood and applied, will give you, for example, the knowledge of man’s utter depravity and wretchedness before God, and also of God’s magnificence, holiness, sovereignty and grace, which can only serve to send a true convert to his knees in humility.
May God be glorified as you study theology, humbly opening His Word with the desire to know more about His special revelation to man.
by Nathan W. Bingham on February 25, 2009 · 1 comment · 182 views
Words such as theology and doctrine come with negative connotations for many Christians. This is a great tragedy, as I firmly believe every Christian needs to study theology to some degree in their Christian walk. Along with Andrew’s series on the importance of Biblical doctrine, there are many reasons why Christian’s need to study theology. In no particular order here are five reasons you need to study theology, and hopefully some of these you won’t have considered before.
You’re a theologian already…
Why do you need to study theology? Because theology isn’t something only a Professor of Theology has–we all believe something about God and therefore are theologians in our own right. However, what needs to be asked is whether what you believe is correct, and the study of theology can help answer that question.
Your love for Jesus is intrinsically linked with your knowledge of His Word…
Why do you need to study theology? Because Jesus said, “If you love me, you will obey what I command.” (John 14:15) I heard someone remark that a certain Christian may not have been that great theologically, but that was okay because they really loved Jesus. However, Jesus says that if we love Him, we will obey what He commands. How can we obey Him if we don’t go to His Word to rightly know His commands?
Your doctrine will determine how you live…
Why do you need to study theology? Because what you believe (your doctrine) will determine how you live (your practice). This can be seen in everyday life. If you believe something to be poisonous, you simply won’t drink it. Similarly, your beliefs about God and His Word determine how you live day to day. For example if you believe God only speaks through His Word then you will study it diligently, however if you believe God speaks through impressions and the like, then you’ll listen for that still small voice. The aforementioned example drastically changes how a person goes about determining God’s will for their lives, and illustrates why you need to study theology.
Your affections will determine what you study…
Why do you need to study theology? Because what your affections are placed upon will determine what you spend your time studying. If your hobby is photography you will want to study the subject to know how to improve your photographs and to increase your love and appreciation for that pass-time. Likewise, if you’re a Christian and your primary affection is upon God, why would you not want to study His Word to increase your love and appreciation for Him and His gospel?
Your humility depends on it…
Why do you need to study theology? Because without studying theology it is possible that you will think too highly of yourself, and not high enough of God. It is true that knowledge puffs up (1 Corinthians 8:1), however the Scriptures rightly understood and applied, will give you, for example, the knowledge of man’s utter depravity and wretchedness before God, and also of God’s magnificence, holiness, sovereignty and grace, which can only serve to send a true convert to his knees in humility.
May God be glorified as you study theology, humbly opening His Word with the desire to know more about His special revelation to man.
Monday, February 2, 2009
the rebuke...
Friends and Family, here is the rebuke I wrote to my house, check it out:
Timothy a disciple of Jesus Christ, to the loyal and Biblical Man Shack:
This is the letter I write to you, for the purpose of crucifying the flesh, sanctification, Biblical Manhood, the training in responsibility and ultimately the Glory of God. There is no greater goal to pursue then the glory of God and I pray your life is laid down that He may be made known; that He is high and lifted up and we a lowly heathens not worth of anything good.
My friends, this is the situation we find our self in, useless without the grace of God. Reflect on who you are! Think! Of what good am I to God apart from Him? Nothing! We are sinners laying hold to the Grace provided by our Savior. Our good works are nothing more then dirty rags in His sight. We offend God with our good works, how dare we offer Him dirty rags! He is infinitely worthy of every good thing, and yet we try to offer him rags? Not just rags, dirty rags! Knowing this, and how our God sees our good works, what is His view of our sin? Does He not hate our sin so much more? Is it not our sin infinitely offensive to Him? And yet how often do we sin? How often does pride rise up in our lives? We would challenge God as King of the universe once pride has begun to control our actions. We are no longer thinking of Him and His will, but our own best interests. We decided to knock God off His thrown and jump onto it declaring ourselves to be king. Does God not hate this?! Yes, indeed He does!
And let us continue to examine ourselves; we are unable to do anything good apart from the Grace and Kindness of our Merciful God. We were born enemies of God! We were born hating Him and His ways, desiring our ways over His in every choice. We did not seek God He sought us! If we could have, we would have wallowed in our sin and enjoyed every moment of it, only to desire more of it the next day. In our nature, left to our self, we drink down sin like “simply orange” or water after being in the summer heat. Always wanting more and only ever being satisfied for the moment. Should these thoughts not humble us Christians? If what I said is true, and we know it is because the Word of God does not lie it must draw us to a greater understanding of His Holiness and our own wickedness.
And even now, after we have salvation we continue to disobey Him. God has given us His law, His standard to live by but we daily break those commands and do not repent. There are some days we do not even think to thank God for saving us, but yet we live on His earth, use His toilet, breath His air, look at His plants and even enjoy His people…with out gratitude. But please, listen to me, the list does not stop there! We wear His clothes, sleep in His bed, live in His house, wash our clothes in His washing machine, use His dishes, eat His food, live in His body, wash in His shower and some of us even drive His car. All of this done, with out constant thanksgiving and even, at some points, we even react with maltreatment to the things God has given us. By maltreatments, I mean this: no taking care of what God has given us.
Please lend your ear as I expound upon this. In no way do we deserve what we have. The things of this house, couches, beds, clothes, hot showers; the list goes on and on. But you must agree friends; we do not deserve any of this! It’s only because of God’s grace have we received anything good! To think and say we might deserve something from God is pride and a false understanding of human nature! Though it would be correct to say that we do deserve something from God, I’m not contradicting my self in saying that. Because what I speak of is death. What I speak of is eternal punishment and banishment in to His wrath never to be set free. What I say we deserve, is nothing good to happen to us. What I say we deserve is to be shunned into His torment with no way of escape. I say we deserve a rebel’s fate! Men, listen, this what we deserve!!! This is what each one of us has brought about because of our own actions! Because of our own sin, and turning from God. Praise the Lord for His Grace.
Therefore, let it be known and understood in the Man Shack, that God owes us nothing. And what He does owe us, is eternal damnation into His fury, we can truly say we should receive for fire to fall down. But, Fearless House Leader, what now? Why do you tell us all this? Some of us know this, though it is good to hear again. Listen, friends, I tell you these things for a reason and I hope it draws you into a more holy life style.
Hence, now please, let me address the topic at hand. Here it is: You are not your own. The things you have are not your own. Your body is not yours. You don’t have the right to think what you want, say what you want and do what you would like to with your body. Why? Because it’s not really your body, it’s His, you are merely renting it. It’s but a tent on a pilgrimage to Heaven. The Bible is our guide line for living and it battles the flesh in every area. But we are called to obey it, live by it and if needed, to die by it. As Christians we would gladly lay our life down for the cause of Christ and His greater Glory!
Paralleled with that truth, is this one: The items you have been given are not your own, you are a mere steward of them. Anything you own, or you use, be it a TV, a Car, a glass, the clothes on your back…you are called to maintain. Why is that? Because they are not your own, and you do not have the right to do with them what you please. Men, do not forget that we just discussed our unworthiness to have anything good. How dare we receive something good from God, a gift of convenience, something to make our life on earth better; yet we treat it wrongly. We leave our clothes on the floor. Those clothes, a gift from God, do not leave them on the floor, take care of them…you don’t even deserve to have clothes. Leaving dishes dirty in the sink, mistreatment of what God has given you. Fellas, this is not pleasing to God. Could you imagine giving your wife a gift, a card and she treats it like any other peace of paper. It has no value to her. What would you think and how would you feel? Now listen to me, that situation is not even a close comparison to us and God! Simply because your wife might have blessed you and you blessed her back with a card; we have never blessed God. And yet we treat the things we do not deserve as if God owed them to us. We may not say that with our lips but we most certainly say that with our life style.
Therefore, let us take heed to our past actions and our rape of the gifts God has given us. I pray this has put things into a different perspective for us, that we may live in a more pleasing way to Him who has called us. God, in His infinite wisdom and grace has poured these blessings into our lives; more then we can even count. Look around and consider, that fact that you can even look around is a blessing from God! Is He not wonderful; is He not worthy of all the praise all the days of our lives? Yes indeed He is! As a result, Men, let is not fall from remembering His grace in our everyday life. Let us no longer treat the things He has given us with disgrace, as men of God, may we be the ones who are most honoring to Him who gives us life.
Furthermore, is this life should not be burdensome, and living in such a way will lead to a better life on this earth. Though I do not dare say life will be easy, or that we should strive for a comfortable life. However I am saying this: When, how we act and what we do is pleasing to God, nothing else matters. And it will live to a future lifestyle that will be more pleasing to our Savior. Consider this, many of you men desire to be married and live with a wife one day. What a great day that will be, and I will be very pleased, as God will be, to see you become a servant to your wife. Therefore let it be known, how you live now will be how you live when you get married! I did not stutter, but I do wish to repeat that because it is very important and something everyone should contemplate as they reflect on their own life. Thus I say again, how you live now will be how you live when you get married! Men within The Man Shack, if you were married at this moment, would your wife be happy with your life style? I think this is a question that must be answer and regarded as important. Why is this true? I would argue, because there is no greater role then being a husband to your wife. Knowing that, let us now regard how we live currently as preparation for the future and what an honorable role that is to prepare for. Looking across the United States and the state of our husbands, many of them have failed in this area. Maybe even some of your fathers have failed, and I say with a resounding voice, may that never be us! May we never fall into that trap as so many have! By Gods grace we will not trip and fall and we can be the best husbands to our wives. Now, please do not feel that I am straying away from the topic at hand. Let me point you back to the simple fact, if how we are acting now would not be satisfying to our wives, then neither will it be in the future. You would have to agree that our God is not pleased with this. He does not smile on our ill preparation for such an important and vital role. Please listen to what I’m saying; I only say it with your best interests in mind. Ponder what has been spoken already and listen to what is still to be said.
Listen, fellas, I’m not only preaching to you, Lord knows I’m preaching to Timothy Reeves as much as I’m preaching to anyone in this room. Do not feel like I’m pointing the finger at you as I stand the high and mighty house leader. Not so brethren, not so. I am just as guilty of the same sins, and the same irresponsibility as any who lives in the Man Shack. I do not stand on a pedestal while you are all below, no sir, men, when it comes to this; you and I are on the same level. I’m in need of the blood of Jesus just as much, if not more then anyone here. This does not come from a proud heart, and if it comes across that way please know you are mistaken. I mislead people with my actions at times and I’m prone to be prideful. But even if I did say these things out of pride, the question is this: Is what has been said here true? Are these words that have been coming out of my mouth true, and what does that mean for my life?
This is what I say in response to these questions: Yes these things are truth, and these truths should transform our lives. They should bring us to the point of brokenness and humility before our Holy God. These truths should give us a greater love for Him and His grace. These truths should silence us, and force us to fall on our knees to worship Him, all praise and Glory to our God and Him alone.
Lastly, it may be said that these truths should cause us to live different lives. I would be willing to say, if we have heard these truth and are not changed…then we don’t not truly know them. They have not sunk into the deepest parts of our souls, captured our hearts or brought us to the point of true repentance. Men, please take these things to heart and believe what I tell you.
Gentlemen, here my final words and I pray our lives are lived differently from hence forth. I am calling you to a standard of excellence, living a life of cleanliness for the Glory of God, to be responsible for the things you own and the things which belong to this house. These are the things I’m going to require of you, if you sign the paper and commit to this life style. Please note this is not anything more then what our God requires of us. I would not dare add to what the Lord has said and require more then what He has called us to.
Take to thought and meditate on what has been said, some of these are harsh words and difficult to take in. But, do not be discouraged God will give you strength and will continue to mold you into His image, for His Glory Alone as He sees fit. Amen.
Timothy a disciple of Jesus Christ, to the loyal and Biblical Man Shack:
This is the letter I write to you, for the purpose of crucifying the flesh, sanctification, Biblical Manhood, the training in responsibility and ultimately the Glory of God. There is no greater goal to pursue then the glory of God and I pray your life is laid down that He may be made known; that He is high and lifted up and we a lowly heathens not worth of anything good.
My friends, this is the situation we find our self in, useless without the grace of God. Reflect on who you are! Think! Of what good am I to God apart from Him? Nothing! We are sinners laying hold to the Grace provided by our Savior. Our good works are nothing more then dirty rags in His sight. We offend God with our good works, how dare we offer Him dirty rags! He is infinitely worthy of every good thing, and yet we try to offer him rags? Not just rags, dirty rags! Knowing this, and how our God sees our good works, what is His view of our sin? Does He not hate our sin so much more? Is it not our sin infinitely offensive to Him? And yet how often do we sin? How often does pride rise up in our lives? We would challenge God as King of the universe once pride has begun to control our actions. We are no longer thinking of Him and His will, but our own best interests. We decided to knock God off His thrown and jump onto it declaring ourselves to be king. Does God not hate this?! Yes, indeed He does!
And let us continue to examine ourselves; we are unable to do anything good apart from the Grace and Kindness of our Merciful God. We were born enemies of God! We were born hating Him and His ways, desiring our ways over His in every choice. We did not seek God He sought us! If we could have, we would have wallowed in our sin and enjoyed every moment of it, only to desire more of it the next day. In our nature, left to our self, we drink down sin like “simply orange” or water after being in the summer heat. Always wanting more and only ever being satisfied for the moment. Should these thoughts not humble us Christians? If what I said is true, and we know it is because the Word of God does not lie it must draw us to a greater understanding of His Holiness and our own wickedness.
And even now, after we have salvation we continue to disobey Him. God has given us His law, His standard to live by but we daily break those commands and do not repent. There are some days we do not even think to thank God for saving us, but yet we live on His earth, use His toilet, breath His air, look at His plants and even enjoy His people…with out gratitude. But please, listen to me, the list does not stop there! We wear His clothes, sleep in His bed, live in His house, wash our clothes in His washing machine, use His dishes, eat His food, live in His body, wash in His shower and some of us even drive His car. All of this done, with out constant thanksgiving and even, at some points, we even react with maltreatment to the things God has given us. By maltreatments, I mean this: no taking care of what God has given us.
Please lend your ear as I expound upon this. In no way do we deserve what we have. The things of this house, couches, beds, clothes, hot showers; the list goes on and on. But you must agree friends; we do not deserve any of this! It’s only because of God’s grace have we received anything good! To think and say we might deserve something from God is pride and a false understanding of human nature! Though it would be correct to say that we do deserve something from God, I’m not contradicting my self in saying that. Because what I speak of is death. What I speak of is eternal punishment and banishment in to His wrath never to be set free. What I say we deserve, is nothing good to happen to us. What I say we deserve is to be shunned into His torment with no way of escape. I say we deserve a rebel’s fate! Men, listen, this what we deserve!!! This is what each one of us has brought about because of our own actions! Because of our own sin, and turning from God. Praise the Lord for His Grace.
Therefore, let it be known and understood in the Man Shack, that God owes us nothing. And what He does owe us, is eternal damnation into His fury, we can truly say we should receive for fire to fall down. But, Fearless House Leader, what now? Why do you tell us all this? Some of us know this, though it is good to hear again. Listen, friends, I tell you these things for a reason and I hope it draws you into a more holy life style.
Hence, now please, let me address the topic at hand. Here it is: You are not your own. The things you have are not your own. Your body is not yours. You don’t have the right to think what you want, say what you want and do what you would like to with your body. Why? Because it’s not really your body, it’s His, you are merely renting it. It’s but a tent on a pilgrimage to Heaven. The Bible is our guide line for living and it battles the flesh in every area. But we are called to obey it, live by it and if needed, to die by it. As Christians we would gladly lay our life down for the cause of Christ and His greater Glory!
Paralleled with that truth, is this one: The items you have been given are not your own, you are a mere steward of them. Anything you own, or you use, be it a TV, a Car, a glass, the clothes on your back…you are called to maintain. Why is that? Because they are not your own, and you do not have the right to do with them what you please. Men, do not forget that we just discussed our unworthiness to have anything good. How dare we receive something good from God, a gift of convenience, something to make our life on earth better; yet we treat it wrongly. We leave our clothes on the floor. Those clothes, a gift from God, do not leave them on the floor, take care of them…you don’t even deserve to have clothes. Leaving dishes dirty in the sink, mistreatment of what God has given you. Fellas, this is not pleasing to God. Could you imagine giving your wife a gift, a card and she treats it like any other peace of paper. It has no value to her. What would you think and how would you feel? Now listen to me, that situation is not even a close comparison to us and God! Simply because your wife might have blessed you and you blessed her back with a card; we have never blessed God. And yet we treat the things we do not deserve as if God owed them to us. We may not say that with our lips but we most certainly say that with our life style.
Therefore, let us take heed to our past actions and our rape of the gifts God has given us. I pray this has put things into a different perspective for us, that we may live in a more pleasing way to Him who has called us. God, in His infinite wisdom and grace has poured these blessings into our lives; more then we can even count. Look around and consider, that fact that you can even look around is a blessing from God! Is He not wonderful; is He not worthy of all the praise all the days of our lives? Yes indeed He is! As a result, Men, let is not fall from remembering His grace in our everyday life. Let us no longer treat the things He has given us with disgrace, as men of God, may we be the ones who are most honoring to Him who gives us life.
Furthermore, is this life should not be burdensome, and living in such a way will lead to a better life on this earth. Though I do not dare say life will be easy, or that we should strive for a comfortable life. However I am saying this: When, how we act and what we do is pleasing to God, nothing else matters. And it will live to a future lifestyle that will be more pleasing to our Savior. Consider this, many of you men desire to be married and live with a wife one day. What a great day that will be, and I will be very pleased, as God will be, to see you become a servant to your wife. Therefore let it be known, how you live now will be how you live when you get married! I did not stutter, but I do wish to repeat that because it is very important and something everyone should contemplate as they reflect on their own life. Thus I say again, how you live now will be how you live when you get married! Men within The Man Shack, if you were married at this moment, would your wife be happy with your life style? I think this is a question that must be answer and regarded as important. Why is this true? I would argue, because there is no greater role then being a husband to your wife. Knowing that, let us now regard how we live currently as preparation for the future and what an honorable role that is to prepare for. Looking across the United States and the state of our husbands, many of them have failed in this area. Maybe even some of your fathers have failed, and I say with a resounding voice, may that never be us! May we never fall into that trap as so many have! By Gods grace we will not trip and fall and we can be the best husbands to our wives. Now, please do not feel that I am straying away from the topic at hand. Let me point you back to the simple fact, if how we are acting now would not be satisfying to our wives, then neither will it be in the future. You would have to agree that our God is not pleased with this. He does not smile on our ill preparation for such an important and vital role. Please listen to what I’m saying; I only say it with your best interests in mind. Ponder what has been spoken already and listen to what is still to be said.
Listen, fellas, I’m not only preaching to you, Lord knows I’m preaching to Timothy Reeves as much as I’m preaching to anyone in this room. Do not feel like I’m pointing the finger at you as I stand the high and mighty house leader. Not so brethren, not so. I am just as guilty of the same sins, and the same irresponsibility as any who lives in the Man Shack. I do not stand on a pedestal while you are all below, no sir, men, when it comes to this; you and I are on the same level. I’m in need of the blood of Jesus just as much, if not more then anyone here. This does not come from a proud heart, and if it comes across that way please know you are mistaken. I mislead people with my actions at times and I’m prone to be prideful. But even if I did say these things out of pride, the question is this: Is what has been said here true? Are these words that have been coming out of my mouth true, and what does that mean for my life?
This is what I say in response to these questions: Yes these things are truth, and these truths should transform our lives. They should bring us to the point of brokenness and humility before our Holy God. These truths should give us a greater love for Him and His grace. These truths should silence us, and force us to fall on our knees to worship Him, all praise and Glory to our God and Him alone.
Lastly, it may be said that these truths should cause us to live different lives. I would be willing to say, if we have heard these truth and are not changed…then we don’t not truly know them. They have not sunk into the deepest parts of our souls, captured our hearts or brought us to the point of true repentance. Men, please take these things to heart and believe what I tell you.
Gentlemen, here my final words and I pray our lives are lived differently from hence forth. I am calling you to a standard of excellence, living a life of cleanliness for the Glory of God, to be responsible for the things you own and the things which belong to this house. These are the things I’m going to require of you, if you sign the paper and commit to this life style. Please note this is not anything more then what our God requires of us. I would not dare add to what the Lord has said and require more then what He has called us to.
Take to thought and meditate on what has been said, some of these are harsh words and difficult to take in. But, do not be discouraged God will give you strength and will continue to mold you into His image, for His Glory Alone as He sees fit. Amen.
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